The True Trifocal IOL for Near, Intermediate and Distance Vision
The True Trifocal IOL for Near, Intermediate and Distance Vision
The True Trifocal IOL for Near, Intermediate and Distance Vision
TriDiff is a true trifocal IOL, with a unique patented slanted transition zone with increasing step height refractive-diffractive design providing clear vision for distance, near and intermediate targets. This carefully formulated design incorporates two diffractive patterns on the anterior surface with an aspheric posterior surface, resulting in optimal optical quality at all distances and minimising the effects of light scatter, such as glare, haloes and reduced contrast sensitivity. The design provides a +3.50 Dioptre addition for near and a +1.80 Dioptre addition for intermediate and is pupil independent.
- It is neutral to the cornea, thus suitable for majority of patients regardless of corneal shape.
- Reduces pupil dependency.
- Balanced distribution of light.
- Each Lens is accompanied by power map and MTF graph of near & far focus
- Ensures Predictable Post-Operative results.