Acriol EC Versatile
Aberration Controlled | Preloaded Delivery System | Yellow Foldable | Micro Incision Lens
Acriol EC Versatile
Aberration Controlled | Preloaded Delivery System | Yellow Foldable | Micro Incision Lens
Acriol EC Versatile
Aberration Controlled | Preloaded Delivery System | Yellow Foldable | Micro Incision Lens
Acriol EC Versatile
Acriol EC Versatile has an ELP optimized Design for Predictable Refractive Outcome. It renders excellent Depth of Focus and the optic is Aberration Controlled that do not induce any aberration to the optical system. Developed with Synchronized Cast Molding Manufacturing procedure, Acriol EC Versatile achieves the specifications like best Asphericity, Power Accuracy & Square Edge .
- Designed with upper left pattern for direction.
- Flexible haptic pads accommodate as per bag size. It will ensure stability in all type of eyes
- Posterior Square edge to minimize the risk of PCO.
- COC optimized optic profile. Aberration controlled optic ensures excellent contrast without compromising depth of focus.
- Optimized Blue Blocker ensures minimal RPE Cells due to High Energy Blue light and enhances the quality of vision.
- Cut-off ensures, Contraction forces will not be transferred on optic and ELP will be maintained for steady refractive outcome.